Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Is Watchtower Really A Real Estate Business?
by OneFingerSalute ini told a still in dubya that the wt was now officially in the real estate buisness.. they looked at me like i had grown a second head.
so i showed them a web site, which they loudly proclaimed to be "apostate".
then i showed them the rest of the web site and asked how long the official jay dubya dot org web site was aligned with an "apostate" web site.. i hate to link that site but as it is somewhat covered up by the dubya's and it may be of some use in making someone think about the money grabs, and the constant begging for more money from those who have little of it for the necessities of life i do so here.
Room 215
Nauseating -
Elders, oh my God what a bunch of losers!
by Crazyguy inok i don't mean to put all of them into just one box so to speak, their are some that are smart successful etc.
but my god most of them are just wasted space, ignorant, no drive, horrible jobs, make nothing for income and the only thing in life they have going for them is this title.
no wonder so many will not wake up and hold on to this stupid cult, it's all they have.
Room 215
Although I quite agree that such generalizations are unfair, it's true that even the most intelligent of them are "losers" in one sense: they're betting on the wrong horse! -
Has Watchtower financial strategy taken a very dark turn?
by slimboyfat inas shepherdless pointed out on another thread, the watchtower business model of using free labour to produce and sell books and magazines for profit started to break down when charging for the literature ended in 1990, and has now begun disintegrating completely in the face of the internet and declining donations.
over this same period there has been a noted increase in hardline rhetoric on disfellowshipping and pushing early baptism.
might these hardline trends actually be related to their money woes?
Room 215
It sounds nightmarish, but based on what's happened recently, I wouldn't exclude it. Things just keep getting crazier and crazier in Absurdistan. -
In the past we taught it, but now we teach other thing....
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
Room 215
Wasn't that period supposed to be identified as the fulfillment of Revelation 11:3: "And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth?" What then of those three and on half years? -
Which Governing body member will die next?? Will things change?
by Witness 007 ini will review this post when it happens so.....prophecy time!
who will guess correct!
my $50 is on theodore jarc born in 1925?
Room 215
Except for Splane, the rest all look like they could stand to lose some weight, especially Herd, Jackson and Sanderson. What they lack in gravitas they more than make up for in avoirdupois. In any case, quite a contrast to the lean, mean Knorr-Franz-Henschel-Suiter-Groh group. -
Video: 607 & 1914 Why These Dates Matter to Jehovah's Witnesses
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
Room 215
Slimboyfat... so you're "No fan of cedars".... from what I read of your submissions, I doubt you're anyone's fan! -
Christmas Greetings to Faders -- from Geoffrey Jackson
by Room 215 incelebrating your first christmas in decades -- or ever?
faders, you've nothing to fear from geoff jackson!.
from the royal commission transcript:.
Room 215
Celebrating your first Christmas in decades -- or ever? Faders, you've nothing to fear from Geoff Jackson!
From the Royal Commission transcript:
ARC: "So, for example, if they (a JW) had become inactive or sought to fade without formally disassociating, and the elders came to visit and found them celebrating Christmas or a birthday, they would be found to be in transgression of the rules, would they not?"
GJ: "That is not my understanding. But again, as I said, it is not my field, that goes into policy with regard to those types of things, but from my personal experience, that's not the case."
So: Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly to your heart's content, backsliders!
Can an inactive family member hold back a MS appointment?
by Simon Templar ina friend asked me if a man can be appointed a ms if he has an inactive (inactive for 15-20 years) baptized adult child living in his home.
the child lives by the rules and doesn't do anything wrong (jw-wise), as i am told.
i know the child (adult) and is a good kid as far as i know.
Room 215
If the guy's baptized but inactive kid presents him from getting saddled with a thankless job at the KH, he owes him a debt of thanks. -
Jah-Jireh UK JW Hospice: A damning report
by Room 215 inself explanatory:.
apologies if this has been previously reported.
Room 215
Appointing "spiritually mature" but functionally incompetent people to jobs requiring specialized skills is a recurrent theme in Absurdistan... a case, or rather, seven cases in point .. just look at the clowns running the shop. -
Jah-Jireh UK JW Hospice: A damning report
by Room 215 inself explanatory:.
apologies if this has been previously reported.
Room 215
Self explanatory:
Apologies if this has been previously reported.